In honor of Valentine’s Day this month, we will be focusing on the Heart as viewed from a Chinese Medical perspective.
The Heart is not just the anatomical organ that we usually think of, but rather it’s seen as a “channel” of energy, running from the axilla (armpit) of each arm, down the inside of the arm and wrist, running through the palm and ending at the inside of the pinky fingernail.
In the Chinese Medicine view, the heart is so much more than just a muscular pump for our blood. In fact, when heart and mind are troubled and not functioning properly, we believe this to be a possible root cause of mental/emotional upsets such as anxiety or depression. You may also experience palpitations, have trouble sleeping and possibly uncontrolled sweating, as in the case of menopausal hot flashes and nightsweats. Your facial color and the color of your tongue can also give your Acupuncturist more clues as to how well your heart is functioning and how well energy and blood are moving through the heart channel.
A calm mind and heart are essential for a healthy, happy life, and will benefit not only you, but the ones you love. Consider giving someone you love the gift of Acupuncture for Valentine’s Day!